

Sie suchen eine Immobilie zum Kauf oder zur Miete? Je nach Ihren Wünschen, Zielen und Anforderungen bieten wir Ihnen eine Vielzahl hervorragender Optionen. Um die Suche zu vereinfachen, füllen Sie einfach die Formulardetails aus und navigieren Sie durch eine Welt voller verschiedener Möglichkeiten und Chancen. Die Suche nach Ihrer Wunschimmobilie beginnt hier.

Wenn Sie Gedanken, Ideen oder Fragen haben, die nicht in einem Standardformular erfasst werden können, würden wir uns freuen, sie zu hören. Rufen Sie uns an oder senden Sie uns eine E-Mail und einer der Fachberater von Blue Brown wird sich direkt mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen, um mit Ihnen zu sprechen oder einen Termin zu vereinbaren. Unser Wissen und unsere Erfahrung helfen Ihnen, die beste Wahl zu treffen.

Details der Immobilie


Datenschutzerklärung zu

Τhe website (referred to in the remaining text as is responsible for the use of personal data on the website of the company Blue Brown Properties OE, which is based in Glyfada, at 16 Pandoras St., T.K. 166 74; its telephone number is 210-8948048, and its e-mail address is: Blue Brown recognizes that the protection and security of your personal data is very important and that it is bound to respect and protect this data.  The present Statement of Secrecy and the Protection of Data of a Personal Nature presents the manner in which the Company uses your personal data, as well as the measures it has taken to protect and safeguard this data. is broadly  engaged in research regarding the best protection of personal data during the processing of user’s information, which is provided during the visit, or use of our  website services, with the development and application of technological  measures to prevent the possible unwanted use by some users of others’ personal information, in order to ensure that it is used in accordance with the rights, freedom and dignity of the users’ personal  information, with special reference to their privacy and personal identity.
Users are requested, even if they have also done this in the past, to read the updated terms of our policy of website secrecy, in order to inform them of the information collected when they visit the website and use its internet services, how they can also be used to communicate, how this information can be protected and what are their rights.  With a visit to the website and the use of internet services, our users are provided with access to the collection and utilization of the personal data therein, as described in detail in the present chapter regarding Secrecy Policy.